The karambit heirloom has so much wasted potential. They truly have became lazy comparing to thr katar.

If only they made the karambit have different customisations just like the katar.

Being able to change the blade textures/designs, the colors, the effects etc.

Now the karambit is just recolors...

Truly wasted potential. Imagine everyone with different uniquely customised karambit to their liking.

I was waiting on the karambit to release but after seeing i was not able to customise it like the katar, truly disappointment 100.

If only they made the karambit have different customisations just like the katar.

Being able to change the blade textures/designs, the colors, the effects etc.

Now the karambit is just recolors...

Truly wasted potential. Imagine everyone with different uniquely customised karambit to their liking.

I was waiting on the karambit to release but after seeing i was not able to customise it like the katar, truly disappointment 100.